Screening Tools.

Not everyone has free or easy access to neurodivergent screening and assesment tools, and whilst an online test is no substitue for a formal diagnosis from a trained and licensed clinican, they can be a valuable tool to help decide what steps to take next.

Online screening tools for Dyspraxia and Dyscalculia aren’t reliable, and haven’t been included here.

The resources below are provided without any gaurentee or warranty. We take no responsibility for them or anything that happens as a result of using them.


ADHD in adults is usually screened by the “Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale” (ASRS). It consists of 18 questions, seperated into two sections. Section A is considered the “main” test, whilst section B provides a more detailed breakdown of strengths and weaknesses.


There are three main tools that are used to screen for autism spectrum conditions in adults – The RAADS-R, the CAT-Q and the ASQ. Each has strengths and weaknesses, and it’s usually a good idea to take all three as part of your journey to seeking a formal diagnosis.


The “Adult Reading History Questionnaire” or “ARHQ” is a test which ranges from 18 to 23 questions (the one we have linked contains 23). Focused primarily on reading, it has been found to be a reliable indicator of Dyslexia in English speakers, but its usefulness in other languages is currently open for debate with more research required.